Eclipse Software, Inc. | Knowledge Base |
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The Knowledge Base is the reference data component of the Framework. There are two primary classes of entities in the Knowledge Base:
The only parts of the Framework that are built-in are the concepts of the Register and Association tables (and the derived data in the Positions and Balances area). For instance, there are no built-in transactions, such as the Buy of a Treasury security. The transactions and other application items are set up in the Knowledge Base. For a Buy of a Treasury an entry is created in the Register Type table. Parameters there determine all the associated processing: quantity and money fields and their distributions, required/optional/forbidden fields, and the like.
It is through the Knowledge Base that the investment products, transactions, and processing described under Areas of Expertise can be handled within a single framework, without reprogramming.
The full Knowledge Base is quite extensive, so we will present only the components most relevant to transaction, positions, and balances processing. In particular we will not address the security master or the counterparty components.
Some components of the Knowledge Base are true metadata, controlling many aspects of the processing at a very detailed level (Register Type and Association Type are the most important of these). Others serve primarily as static reference data.
The Knowledge Base stores the information on the application-specific processing. Much of the associated processing itself is managed through the Processing Rules component of the Framework. The Data Structures component includes a model of the Knowledge Base entities.
The Knowledge Base is key to the reuse of the Framework for new situations, such as additional securities classes, settlement methods, and transaction types. For a discussion, see Extending the Framework.
The purpose of this entity is to recognize and promote the commonness in the processing of quantity and money amounts. Quantity accounting is common to all inventory applications, but the presence of a well-established, self-balancing framework with commonly understood accounts (the stock record) leads naturally to a unified, standard handling of quantity and money amounts.
Though the Framework supports any number of Amount Types, we have not encountered any other than the two listed here.
Within the Framework this is more static data than true metadata as no processing is driven by the value.
As implied by the Register, Association, and PandB entities, it is not possible to have a given amount distributed to two different Amount Types; the distribution is always to a single Amount Type.
Code | Long Name |
M | Money |
Q | Quantity |
The concept of multiple sets of books is common in accounting systems: the "official" books, audit books, tax books, cash books (vs. accrual). There are a number of uses of this concept in securities accounting.
Code | Long Name | Description |
BUD | Budget | Approved budget amount. |
BUDR | Budget - revised | Revised budget amount. |
MEMO | Memorandum | These are memorandum amounts (not memorandum accounts). |
MSEG | Segregation memo | One approach to segregating customer positions on the stock record (the other is to use a different location account). |
NOTN | Notional | These are off-balance amounts that are useful for accruing P&L. |
PRIM | Primary | Official books and records; on balance sheet. |
The great majority of postings are to PRIM. The structure is designed to support postings in multiple Book Types to the same account, as implied by the list.
The Register records all information for updating positions and balances, which are kept in the PandB entity. There are two charts of accounts, one for each Amount Type (money and quantity).
Monetary values (principal, interest, realized P&L, etc.) are tracked at various levels of details in systems maintaining account information. Identification can include combinations of the trading account (or desk), security (or security class), counterparty account, and the like. Typically a trading system will have the greatest detail, books and records an intermediate level, and the firm general ledger will have the least.
The most basic level, common to all, is the ledger account portion. This identifies the account as being principal rather interest, for instance. Being precise, the ledger account is any device for accumulating additions and subtractions relating to a single element of the financial statements. See "account" in [AcctLangBus05] and ¶1 - 7 of [FASBCon6].
Within the Framework there are two classes of ledger accounts:
The following table lists the ledger codes (type "G") we will use in discussing transaction processing.
Code | Long Name | Short Name | StType |
BUA | Long - Accrued Coupon Interest Inc | Long-Int I | PL |
BUI | Buys - Interest | Buys - Int | BS |
BUP | Buys - Principal | Buys - Prn | BS |
CPC | Coupon Clearing | Cpn Clear | BS |
CPP | Coupon Payable | Coupon Pay | BS |
CPR | Coupon Receivable | Coupon Rec | BS |
CSH | Cash | Cash | BS |
CUP | Customer Payable | Cust Pay | BS |
CUR | Customer Receivable | Cust Rec | BS |
DVC | Dividend Clearing | Div Clear | BS |
DVI | Dividend Income | Div Inc | PL |
DVX | Dividend Expense | Div Exp | PL |
LOA | Loans - Interest Expense (accrued) | Loan I/Exp | PL |
LOI | Loans - Interest Payable | Loan I/Pay | BS |
LOP | Loans - Principal | Loan Prin | BS |
PLR | Profit & Loss - Realized | P&L - Real | PL |
PLU | Profit & Loss - Unrealized | P&L - UnRe | PL |
PLX | P&L Accounts -- Realized / Unreal | PL | |
RET | Retained Earnings | Ret Earngs | BS |
RPA | Repos - Interest Expense Accrual | RP - Int X | PL |
RPI | Repos - Interest Payable | RP - Int P | BS |
RPP | Repos - Principal | RP's Prn | BS |
RVA | Reve RPs - Interest Income Accrual | RV - Int I | PL |
RVI | Reverse Repos - Interest Receivable | Rev RP IR | BS |
RVP | Reverse Repos - Principal | Rev RP Prn | BS |
SEA | Short - Accrued Coupon Interest Ex | Short Int | PL |
SEI | Sells - Interest | Sells- Int | BS |
SEP | Sells - Principal | Sells- Prn | BS |
SOA | Sold F - Interest Income (accrued) | Sold I/Inc | PL |
SOI | Sold Funds - Interest Receivable | Sold I/Rec | BS |
SOP | Sold Funds - Principal | Sold Prin | BS |
ZBB | Suspense - Beginning Balances | Susp-BBLS | BS |
The columns:
Code | 3-character identifier that will be used in discussing transactions and processing. |
Long Name | Text description of the ledger code. |
Short Name | Shorter description of the ledger code. |
StType | Statement type: PL = P&L, BS = Balance Sheet. This field is solely informational; it doesn't affect any processing. |
The financial industry has a standard double-entry, self-balancing bookkeeping system for tracking the inventory of securities: stocks, bonds, contracts, and the like. Like other inventory control systems, it focuses on where items of inventory are and who has claims on them.
As with the money accounts, we keep customer due to/due from information at the detail customer account level. These accounts are prefixed with a type of "C". The other types are discussed after the list of accounts.
Type | Sub | Long Name |
C | Counterparty Receivable/Payable | |
T | Trading Account (Proprietary Position) | |
T | BBOR | Trading Account -- Bond Borrow |
T | BLON | Trading Account -- Bond Loan |
T | FDEL | Trading Account -- Free Deliver |
T | FREC | Trading Account -- Free Receive |
T | REPO | Trading Account -- Repo'd Out |
T | FREC | Trading Account -- Reversed In |
T | SBOR | Trading Account -- Stock Borrow |
T | SLON | Trading Account -- Stock Loan |
L | BOX | In the box |
L | SEG | Segregated, apart from the Box |
The columns:
Type | 1-character identifier identifying the general type: C = Counterparty, T = Trading Account, L = Other Location. |
Sub | Specific area within the Type. |
Long Name | Text description of the inventory location. |
The Register entity stores all the information necessary for updating the firm's positions and balances. The primary relevant Knowledge Base entity is the Register Type. This entity contains two types of information:
Only the first type will be discussed here. See Processing Rules for further information on process control.
Quantity Distribution | Principal Dist | Interest Dist | |||||||||||||
Reg Type | Description | Abbreviation | Lg | Acct | Sh | Acct | Dr | Acct | Cr | Acct | Dr | Acct | Cr | Acct | Book |
ACCR-CPNP | Coupon Payable | Coupon Pay | B | B | G | SEI | G | CPP | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-CPNR | Coupon Receivable | Coupon Rec | B | B | G | CPR | G | BUI | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-INTL | Interest on Long Settled Positions | Long Int | B | B | G | BUI | G | BUA | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-INTS | Interest on Short Settled Position | Short Int | B | B | G | SEA | G | SEI | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-LOAN | Bank Loan Accrual | Bank Loans | B | B | G | LOA | G | LOI | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-NPRN | Normalize Principal | Norm Prin | B | B | G | BUP | G | SEP | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-PLRL | Trading P&L - Realized - Loss | P&L-Real-L | B | B | G | PLR | G | SEP | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-PLRP | Trading P&L - Realized - Profit | P&L-Real-P | B | B | G | BUP | G | PLR | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-PLUL | Trading P&L - Unrealized - Loss | P&L-Unrl-L | B | B | G | PLU | G | SEP | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-PLUP | Trading P&L - Unrealized - Profit | P&L-Unrl-P | B | B | G | BUP | G | PLU | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-REPO | Repo Interest Payable Accrual | Repo IPay | B | B | G | RPA | G | RPI | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-REVE | Reverse Interest Receivable Accr | Reve IRec | B | B | G | RVI | G | RVA | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-SBI | Borrowers' Interest Accrual | Borr Int | B | B | G | SBI | G | SIA | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-SIA | Interest Income/Fee Income Accrual | IntInc/Fee | B | B | G | SIA | G | SFA | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-SOLD | Sold Funds Accrual | Sold Funds | B | B | G | SOI | G | SOA | B | B | PRIM | ||||
ACCR-SPI | Participants' Interest Accrual | Part Int | B | B | G | SIA | G | SPI | B | B | PRIM | ||||
BBOR-CLOS | Bond Borrowing - Closing Side | BBOR-Close | C | T | -BBOR | C | G | RVP | C | G | RVI | PRIM | |||
BBOR-OPEN | Bond Borrowing - Opening Side | BBOR-Open | T | -BBOR | C | G | RPV | C | G | C | PRIM | ||||
BLON-CLOS | Bond Loan - Closing Side | BLon-Close | T | -BLON | C | G | RPP | C | G | RPI | C | PRIM | |||
BLON-OPEN | Bond Loan - Opening Side | BLon-Open | C | T | -BLON | C | G | RPP | C | G | PRIM | ||||
BUY - | Buy | Bought | T | C | G | BUP | C | G | BUI | C | PRIM | ||||
COLL-SWAP | Collateral Swap | Coll Swap | V | V | V | V | V | V | PRIM | ||||||
CPN -PAY | Coupon Payable | Cpn Pay | B | B | G | CPC | C | B | B | PRIM | |||||
CPN -REC | Coupon Receivable | Cpn Rec | B | B | C | G | CPC | B | B | PRIM | |||||
CXL - | Cancellation | Cancel | V | V | V | V | V | V | |||||||
DEL - | Deliver | Deliver | L | BOX | C | G | CSH | C | G | CSH | C | PRIM | |||
DIV -PAY | Dividend Payable | Div Pay | B | B | G | DVC | C | B | B | PRIM | |||||
DIV -REC | Dividend Receivable | Div Rec | B | B | C | G | DVC | B | B | PRIM | |||||
FDEL-CLOS | Free Deliver of Collateral - Close | F/D-Close | T | -FDEL | C | G | C | G | C | PRIM | |||||
FDEL-OPEN | Free Deliver of Collateral - Open | F/D-Open | C | T | -FDEL | C | G | C | G | PRIM | |||||
FREC-CLOS | Free Receive Collateral - Closing | F/R - Clos | C | T | -FREC | C | G | C | G | PRIM | |||||
FREC-OPEN | Free Receive Collateral - Opening | F/R - Open | T | -FREC | C | G | C | G | C | PRIM | |||||
JNL -AUTC | Cash for clearance (auto-gen'd) | Auto-Cash | C | L | C | G | CSH | C | G | PRIM | |||||
JNL -BUI | Coupon Long | Cpn Long | B | B | G | CPC | G | BUI | B | B | PRIM | ||||
JNL -COUP | Coupon Payments | Coupons | B | B | V | V | B | B | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -DVI | Dividend Income | Div Inc | B | B | G | DVC | G | DVI | B | B | PRIM | ||||
JNL -DVX | Dividend Expense | Div Exp | B | B | G | DVX | G | DVC | B | B | PRIM | ||||
JNL -LOCC | Location Change | Loc Change | V | V | B | B | B | B | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -OFRL | Expirations - Opts & Futs - Long | Exp O&F Lg | C | T | G | G | G | G | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -OFRS | Expirations - Opts & Futs - Short | Exp O&F Sh | T | C | G | G | G | G | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -OPCR | Opening Positions - Credit | Op Pos CR | L | BOX | T | G | CSH | G | SEP | G | G | PRIM | |||
JNL -OPDR | Opening Positions - Debit | Op Pos DR | T | L | BOX | G | BUP | G | CSH | G | G | PRIM | |||
JNL -OTHR | Other | Other | V | V | V | V | G | G | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -PODF | Pair-off Differences | P/O Diff | C | L | C | G | C | G | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -REDM | Redemptions | Redemption | V | V | V | V | V | V | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -RELO | Redemption of Long Position | Redemption | L | BOX | T | G | CSH | G | BUP | G | CSH | G | BUI | PRIM | |
JNL -REPR | Repricing | Repricing | V | V | V | V | V | V | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -RESH | Redemption of Short Position | Redemption | T | L | BOX | G | SEP | G | CSH | G | SEI | G | CSH | PRIM | |
JNL -RPRO | Repricing - Money Difference | Repricing | V | V | V | V | V | V | PRIM | ||||||
JNL -SEI | Coupon Short | Cpn Shrt | B | B | G | SEI | G | CPC | B | B | PRIM | ||||
LOAN-CLOS | Bank Loans - Closing Piece | BL-Close | L | C | G | LOP | C | G | LOI | C | PRIM | ||||
LOAN-OPEN | Bank Loans - Opening Piece | BL-Open | C | L | C | G | LOP | C | G | PRIM | |||||
LOCC-SEGI | Placing into segregation | Into Seg | L | BOX | L | SEG | G | G | G | G | PRIM | ||||
LOCC-SEGO | Taking out of segregation | Out of Seg | L | SEG | L | BOX | G | G | G | G | PRIM | ||||
LOCM-SEGI | Placing into Seg memo | Seg Memo I | C | L | SEG | G | G | G | G | MSEG | |||||
LOCM-SEGO | Taking out of Seg memo | Seg Memo O | L | SEG | C | G | G | G | G | MSEG | |||||
MRGN-IN | Margin - Cash Received | Margin-IN | B | B | G | CSH | C | B | B | PRIM | |||||
MRGN-OUT | Margin - Cash wired out | Margin-Out | B | B | C | G | CSH | B | B | PRIM | |||||
REC - | Receive | Receive | C | L | BOX | C | G | CSH | C | G | CSH | PRIM | |||
REPO-CLOS | Repurchase - Closing Piece | Repo/Close | T | -REPO | C | G | RPP | C | G | RPI | C | PRIM | |||
REPO-OPEN | Repurchase - Opening Piece | Repo/Open | C | T | -REPO | C | G | RPP | C | G | PRIM | ||||
REV - | Reversal | Reversal | V | V | V | V | V | V | |||||||
REVE-CLOS | Reverse Repurchase - Closing Piece | Repo/Close | C | T | -REVE | C | G | RVP | C | G | RVI | PRIM | |||
REVE-OPEN | Reverse Repurchase - Opening Piece | Repo/Open | T | -REVE | C | G | RVP | C | G | C | PRIM | ||||
REVR-DEL | Customer Reversal - Deliver | Revr Del | L | BOX | C | G | CSH | C | G | C | PRIM | ||||
REVR-REC | Customer Reversal - Receive | Revr Rec | C | L | BOX | C | G | CSH | C | G | PRIM | ||||
SELL- | Sell | Sold | C | T | C | G | SEP | C | G | SEI | PRIM | ||||
SOLD-CLOS | Sold Funds - Opening Piece | S/F-Open | C | L | C | G | SOP | C | G | SOI | PRIM | ||||
SOLD-OPEN | Sold Funds - Opening Piece | S/F-Open | L | C | G | SOP | C | G | C | PRIM | |||||
UNCL-DEL | UNCL Loan - Deliver | UNCL Del | L | BOX | C | G | CSH | C | G | G | PRIM | ||||
UNCL-REC | UNCL Loan - Receive | UNCL Rec | C | L | BOX | C | G | CSH | C | G | PRIM | ||||
WIRE-IN | Money wired in | Money in | B | B | G | CSH | C | B | B | PRIM | |||||
WIRE-OUT | Funds Wired - Sent | Funds Out | B | B | C | G | CSH | PRIM |
The columns:
Reg Type | Identifies business transactions (e.g., BUY, SELL, WIRE), settlements (REC, DEL), system-generated journals (ACCR-CPNR, ACCR-PLRP), bookkeeping journals (JNL-COUP, JNL-REDM), audit history (CXL, REV): anything that can affect the books and records. | |||||||||||||||
Description | Text description of the register type. | |||||||||||||||
Abbreviation | Shorter description of the register type. | |||||||||||||||
Quantity Distribution | Four columns: the first two give the type and account of the long side of the distribution, and the next two pertain to the short side. The type values and associated accounts are:
| |||||||||||||||
Principal Distribution | The distribution for the first money field on the transaction (typically principal). The structure parallels the Quantity Distribution. The type values and associated accounts are:
| |||||||||||||||
Book | Usually PRIM, for books and records. See Book Type. Each amount being distributed can have its own Book Type, of course, but we have just shown one here for simplicity. |
This presentation mirrors the generalized model of the Framework. It shows one quantity distribution and two money distributions (principal and interest). This is for convenience only. Transactions can have any number of distributions of either type.
We repeat that the table given above contains sample entries made into the Register Type repository. They reflect the particular needs of an individual firm. The number and type of entries that can be set up are essentially unlimited.
The Register and Association Types are the primary process control entities of the Knowledge Base. For this discussion we are concerned with the final representation in the data tables, and how that information is used to manage positions and balances.
For details on the processing that results in association entries see Processing Rules.
Association Type | Description | Abbreviation |
ADD | Add (enter) a transaction | Add |
AFCL | Clear out accrued interest | Clear AF |
BBCL | Closeout of a RP/RV Buyback | RP/RV Clos |
BBCO | Correction of a RP/RV Buyback | RP/RV Corr |
BKO | Back out an association | Backout |
CLR | Clearance | Clearance |
CORR | Correction | Correction |
CSWP | Collateral Swap | Coll Swap |
CVWI | WI Conversion | WI Convert |
CXL | Cancellation | Cancel |
CXRN | Cancel & Re-instate New | CXL/R-New |
CXRO | Cancel & Re-instate Old | Correction |
FRAC | Split one trade into two | Split |
FRCL | Closeout of a Free Receive/Deliver | Free Clos |
KO-R | Keyoff Reversal (leave item) | KO-Reverse |
KOR | Keyoff Reversal (leave item) - Any | KO-Rev Any |
LO-S | Bank Loans - Settling | Loan-Settl |
MD-G | Generate a Money Difference | Gen MoneyD |
MD-S | Money Difference - Settling | MD-Settle |
MODS | Modification not affecting sttlmnt | Mod/Settle |
P/O | Pairoff | Pairoff |
PD-S | P/O Difference - Settling | PO-Settle |
PO-E | Early Pair-offs | Early P/Os |
PO-L | Late Pair-offs | Late P/Os |
PO-P | Partial Pair-offs | Part. P/Os |
RCXL | Re-cancel | Re-cancel |
REVR | Reverse Settlement | Rev Settle |
RPRN | Re-price & Re-instate New | ReP&R-New |
RPRO | Re-Price & Re-instate old Item | Reprice |
RSTL | Re-settle | Re-settle |
S-F | FSU/D: Settle to Fail (w/delete) | Fail |
SETL | Settlement | Settle |
UNCL | UNCL Settlement | UNCLSettle |
UNDO | Undo Settlement & Delete Item | Undo&Delet |
VART | Variable Rate Change | Rate Chge |
WIRE | Funds Wiring | Funds Wire |
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